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Swot Analysis Example Nike

What Is a SWOT Analysis, too How to Do It Right (With Examples)

SWOT analysis is an incredibly elementary, nonetheless powerful tool to help you lot prepare your business concern strategy, whether y'all’re building a startup or guiding an existing society.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, as well as Threats.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to your companionship—things that yous have around command over too tin change. Examples include who is on your squad, your patents as well as intellectual holding, as well as your location.

Opportunities together with threats are external—things that are going on outside your company, inward the larger market. You can have advantage of opportunities in addition to protect against threats, but you tin can’t change them. Examples include competitors, prices of raw material, as well as client shopping trends.

A SWOT analysis organizes your acme strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into an organized listing together with is ordinarily presented in a uncomplicated two-by-2 grid.

SWOT template image

When you accept the fourth dimension to do a SWOT analysis, y'all’ll be armed with a solid strategy for prioritizing the operate that you need to make to grow your business organization.

You may mean that y'all already know everything that yous demand to make to succeed, but a SWOT analysis volition forcefulness y'all to wait at your business organization in novel ways together with from new directions. You’ll await at your strengths and weaknesses, in addition to how you lot tin can leverage those to take advantage of the opportunities too threats that exist in your market.

Who should do a SWOT analysis?

For a SWOT analysis to be effective, companionship founders too leaders necessitate to be deeply involved. This isn’t a chore that tin be delegated to others.

But, fellowship leadership shouldn’t make the function on their own, either. For best results, y'all’ll desire to gather a group of people who take dissimilar perspectives on the companionship. Select people who tin correspond different aspects of your company, from sales as well as client service to marketing together with product development. Everyone should take a seat at the tabular array.

Innovative companies fifty-fifty expect outside their ain internal ranks when they perform a SWOT analysis and go input from customers to add together their unique vocalization to the mix.

If you’re starting or running a concern on your ain, you tin nevertheless make a SWOT analysis. Recruit additional points of persuasion from friends who know a picayune nigh your business, your accountant, or fifty-fifty vendors together with suppliers. The primal is to have different points of persuasion.

Existing businesses can role a SWOT analysis to assess their current state of affairs in addition to decide a strategy to move frontwards. But, call back that things are constantly changing as well as yous’ll want to reassess your strategy, starting alongside a novel SWOT analysis every half-dozen to 12 months.

For startups, a SWOT analysis is part of the concern planning process. It’ll aid codify a strategy then that you kickoff off on the correct human foot as well as know the direction that you design on going.

How to make a SWOT analysis the right fashion

As I mentioned higher up, you lot desire to gather a squad of people together to operate on a SWOT analysis. You don’t take an all-mean solar day retreat to become it done, though. One or two hours should live more than plenty.

Gather people from dissimilar parts of your society together with make certain that yous take representatives from every role. You’ll find that different groups inside your fellowship volition take solely different perspectives that will be critical to making your SWOT analysis successful.

Doing a SWOT analysis is like to brainstorming meetings, together with at that place are correct and wrong ways to run them. I advise giving everyone a pad of glutinous-notes together with accept everyone quietly generate ideas on their own to beginning things off. This prevents groupthink in addition to ensures that all voices are heard.

After 5 to ten minutes of individual brainstorming, place all the viscid-notes upward on the wall and grouping like ideas together. Allow anyone to add additional notes at this signal if soul else’second idea sparks a new thought.

Once all of the ideas are organized, it’second fourth dimension to rate the ideas. I similar using a voting system where everyone gets 5 or 10 “votes” that they tin can distribute inward any fashion they like. Sticky dots inward different colors are useful for this constituent of the practise.

Based on the voting exercise, yous should accept a prioritized list of ideas. Of form, the list is instantly upwards for discussion in addition to debate, as well as somebody in the room should be able to make the last call on the priority. This is unremarkably the CEO, but it could live delegated to someone else inwards charge of business organisation strategy.

You’ll desire to follow this process of generating ideas for each of the 4 quadrants of your SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, together with Threats.

Questions that tin can assistance inspire your analysis

Here are a few questions that you can inquire your team when you lot’re building your SWOT analysis. These questions tin assist explain each section together with spark creative thinking.


Strengths are internal, positive attributes of your companionship. These are things that are inside your command.

  • What business processes are successful?
  • What assets make you have in your squad, such as knowledge, educational activity, mesh, skills, as well as reputation?
  • What physical assets make yous accept, such equally customers, equipment, engineering science, cash, in addition to patents?
  • What competitive advantages do you have over your contest?


Weaknesses are negative factors that detract from your strengths. These are things that y'all might necessitate to ameliorate on to be competitive.

  • Are there things that your business organization needs to be competitive?
  • What business processes ask improvement?
  • Are in that location tangible assets that your companionship needs, such as money or equipment?
  • Are there gaps on your team?
  • Is your location ideal for your success?


Opportunities are external factors inwards your business environment that are likely to contribute to your success.

  • Is your market growing too are in that location trends that volition encourage people to buy more of what you are selling?
  • Are in that location upcoming events that your companionship may be able to accept advantage of to grow the business concern?
  • Are in that location upcoming changes to regulations that might bear upon your company positively?
  • If your business organisation is upward together with running, do customers think highly of you?


Threats are external factors that you lot take no control over. You may desire to see putting in place contingency plans for dealing them if they hap.

  • Do y'all have potential competitors who may get into your market place?
  • Will suppliers ever be able to provide the raw materials y'all need at the prices yous involve?
  • Could future developments inwards engineering modify how yous make business organization?
  • Is consumer behaviour changing inwards a way that could negatively bear upon your business organisation?
  • Are at that place marketplace trends that could become a threat?

Example of a SWOT analysis

To help y'all go a improve sense of what at SWOT instance really looks like, we’re going to expect at UPer Crust Pies, a specialty substance together with fruit pie cafe in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. They sell hot, prepare-to-go pies in addition to frozen accept-dwelling options, besides every bit an assortment of fresh salads in addition to beverages.

What to do next

With your SWOT analysis complete, you’re fix to convert it into existent strategy. After all, the exercise is most producing a strategy that you can run on during the side by side few months.

The start stride is to look at your strengths too figure out how y'all can purpose those strengths to take reward of your opportunities. Then, await at how your strengths tin can fighting the threats that are inwards the market place. Use this analysis to make a list of actions that yous tin can take.

With your activity list in mitt, wait at your companionship calendar and first placing goals (or milestones) on it. What make you lot desire to reach inward each calendar quarter (or month) moving forwards?

You’ll too desire to do this past analyzing how external opportunities might help yous fighting your ain, internal weaknesses. Can yous as well minimize those weaknesses and so you lot tin avoid the threats that yous identified?

Again, you’ll take an activeness listing that you’ll want to prioritize as well as schedule.

Back to the Uper Crust Pies case: Based on their SWOT analysis, here are a few potential strategies for increment to aid yous think through how to translate your SWOT into actionable goals.

Uper Crust Pies: Potential strategies for increase

  1. Investigate investors. UPer Crust Pies power investigate its options for obtaining capital.
  2. Create a marketing design. Because UPer Crust Pies wants to execute a specific marketing strategy—targeting working families by emphasizing that their dinner option is both salubrious and convenient—the companionship should prepare a marketing design.
  3. Plan a K opening. H5N1 central piece of that marketing design will be the store’sec one thousand opening, too the promotional strategies necessary to get UPer Crust Pies’ target market place inwards the door.

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